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Thank You Letter

Daddy, thank you for your Holy Spirit that has never left me,

Thank you for your kind words and uplifting advice,

Thank you for the daily bread and the renewing of the mind,

Thank you for the joy, the faith, the hope, the forgiveness, and the peace,

Thank you a billion times more for discernment of the Spirit-

If I can properly distinguish when you speak and whose heart you’re in, it is not because of me but rather your holy spirit within me,

Thank you Dad for love beyond compare and grace that surpasses all understanding,

I’m not sure why you love me or deem me worthy of anything- but you do… so thank you for that,

Thank you that there’s nothing I could have possibly done to have you and yet I do,

Of course I’m appreciative for the tangible things, but I’m much more grateful for that which I can not see or feel,

I’m much more thankful Dad for you… your presence, your conviction, your anointing, your wisdom, your patience, and your consistent guidance,

You are the wind to my waves, the breeze through my window… without you, all possibilities would cease to exist,

So keep on Father… keep on being for me what the world could never be and keep on showing me what my fleshly eyes could never see,

Like the blazing fire that you are, be my lamp and light my way through this life,

I love you, not because I’m such a loving person or because I understand love fully,

No, I love you simply because you first loved me and you showed it in the most beautiful way,

So Dad if any piece of me can give back to you a portion of the beautiful, intimate, deep, unconditional love you've given me, I’d consider my life full of purpose!

-Sincerely your beloved daughter

“The one you saved”

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